Conducts Apply To Students At All Times
- The school principal determines appropriate responses to most forms of misconduct and will work with you and your child’s teacher to determine what interventions might be needed to help ensure the problem behaviour does not happen again.
- The Principal also includes information about the student’s past grades, attendance, behaviour and information provided by teachers, counsellors, and others who know the student.
- Certain types of behaviour , are strictly prohibited and require that the Principal make a recommendation for expulsion.
The Follwing Procedures Apply When A Student is involved in serious misconduct which may result in a suspension of 10 Days, with a recommendation for Reassignment or Expulsion:
- The Principal will take action to stop the incident.
- Students will have a chance to talk with the Principal or an assistant principal about what happened.
- When the Principal has reason to believe a student has engaged in misconduct that may result in a recommendation for reassignment or expulsion, the Principal will attempt to notify the parents as soon as possible through a YELLOW CARD for the first time.
- After attempting to notify the parents, the Principal may ask the student to write down what happened, in his or her own words.
- If the behaviour involves a violent misdemeanour, the Principal will attempt to notify the parents when this occurs through a PINK CARD.
- The principal will give parents information to help them understand the nature of the offense and the discipline procedure.
- A principal may remove a student from school for up to 10 days (short‐term) depending on the nature of the offence.
- During suspension from school the student may not participate in team, club, and other school‐sponsored activities, and may be required to attend an intervention seminar.
- The student will be assigned work to be completed.
- The parent will be asked to come to school and get the assignments, or to make arrangements for another student to pick up the work.
- Completed assignments should be returned to school for grading.
- A student whose presence poses a continuing danger or disruption may be removed from school immediately through a RED CARD .
- The student and parent will receive notice and have an opportunity to respond as soon as possible.
When A Student is Suspended, The School Shall
- Notify the student of the suspension.
- Make a reasonable effort to notify the student's parent of the suspension, inform the parent and make arrangements for the student's return home.
- Send written notification, by the end of the school day when possible, to the parent or arrange for notification to be hand-delivered to him or her by the end of the next school day, informing him or her of the suspension, the reasons for the action, the length of the suspension.
Additional Consequences
- A student who has completed a suspension or has been recommended for expulsion may have ongoing consequences when he or she returns to school.
- Knowledge of topics taught in various subjects and completion of homework provides an opportunity for the student to demonstrate that he or she is taking positive steps as a returning member of the school community.
The Following Are Examples of Authorized Disciplinary Measures
- Admonition and counselling of the student in private concerning his or her responsibilities.
- After-school detention. Except in extreme cases, a student must be given advance notice of this action. All schools shall notify parents of students of after-school detention.
- Suspension from all student privileges (including parking, senior privileges, all other student privileges, and student activities, including teams, clubs, and all other school-sponsored activities) for a fixed period of time.
The Following Are Examples of Authorized Interventions
- Re-teaching expected behaviour with required practice.
- Student-teacher conference and reflection on behaviour
- Conference with parent
- Parent attends one day of school with student
- Peer mediation
- Behaviour contract
- Conflict resolution with school counsellor
While Travelling In School Buses
Standards Of Conduct For Students Riding School Buses:
- HHPS bus transportation is an extension of the school day, and the same student behavior standards that apply in the classroom apply on the bus and at the bus stop.
- Acceptable classroom standards of conduct shall be expected of bus passengers and drivers shall ensure that pupils observe regulations at all times.
- Riders are expected to respect the driver’s authority, remain in their seats, keep their hands to themselves and their voices low, not block the aisles, and generally behave in a way that contributes to a safe, pleasant trip to and from school.
- A driver may report a student’s misconduct to the principal for discipline, and in serious situations bus privileges may be taken away.
- Among other things, students shall not smoke, yell, scream, swear, push, fight, bully, or take advantage of any other student; extend hands, arms, or heads or objects from bus windows; that would block an aisle, cause loss of passenger seat space, obstruct the driver’s view, or create a safety hazard.
Expected Discpline In The Bus
- A driver may recommend suspension of bus transportation for a pupil who will not heed the driver’s warning as to behaviour.
- The Principal shall take final action in such cases.
- During a period of suspension, the School shall not be responsible for transporting the pupil to school.
- A driver may not remove a child from the bus or refuse transportation to a child on a bus without proper authorization by the principal, except in cases in which the safety of pupils is jeopardized.
- The Principal shall be notified of such extreme cases immediately.
- Drivers shall report all disciplinary cases to school principals.
- Vandalism of the bus may be cause for disciplinary action.
Conduct On The Bus
Students Must;
- Recognize that the bus driver is the authority on the bus and obey and be courteous to him or her and fellow students.
- Go directly to a seat and remain seated unless otherwise directed by the driver.
- Not tamper with the emergency door.
- Not slap others or wave or shout at pedestrians or other vehicles.
- Not throw objects about the bus or from a window (or throw objects at the bus from outside).
- Carry onto bus only unbreakable objects that can be safely held in pupil’s lap.
- Not share, sell, or consume food or beverages.
- Present written request from parents or guardians, subject to approval of school principal, to go home on an alternate route.
Leaving The Bus
Students Must;
- Remain seated until the bus comes to a full stop.
- Exit bus in an orderly manner.
- Leave bus stop area only when safety permits; that is, when crossing a roadway, cross at a safe distance from the front of the bus after the driver signals it is safe to do so.
- Parents or guardians are encouraged to walk with students to and from bus stops or school.
- All kindergarten students riding regular afternoon school buses are to be met at their bus stop by a parent, guardian, or sibling in the 7th grade or higher or the student will be returned to the school to await parental transportation.