• Phone : 734 112 4824, 734 112 4825
  • Address : 2 GT Road Opp Canal Office Amritsar Punjab India
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Parental Responsibility & Involvement

Search & Seizure

Desks, lockers, and storage spaces, which are provided to students without charge, are the property of the school. The Principal may conduct general inspections on a periodic or random basis and may open desks, lockers, or storage spaces and examine the contents, including personal belongings of students.

Individual Belongings

Any desk, locker, storage space, item of personal belonging, electronic device, and/or vehicle parked on school property or at a school-sponsored activity may be inspected on an individual basis when reasonable grounds exist to suspect that it contains evidence of a violation of a school regulation.

Video & Audio Surveillance

Public areas of school property are subject to video and audio surveillance and recording. Recordings are counter checked in cases of loss of things / if any untoward incident is reported.

Holy Heart is one of the few ICSE schools remarked as the Best School by the ICSE inspection team.